It was overcast here for the Full Moon/lunar eclipse! Although I didn’t see it, I was fully aware it was there.
I woke up with the calling from sage and my oracle cards wanting to be part of my morning.
I have been feeling overwhelmed with thoughts, planning, doing, and I have allowed very little time to centre and align with ME lately. I do have a lot of responsibility here and I find myself the anchor and leader just like a lead mare.
I picked a card from “Sacred Earth Oracle” card deck and ”discernment” came up as I was shuffling. Making the right choices that support my highest good and the one for all. Allowing time for discernment otherwise I may find myself missing out on the beauty and joy of living which is all around me but I am slipping into being too busy to appreciate it all fully. Letting the chaos of the external world bring unease and doubt.
In trying to be everywhere at the same time and leaving “ME” behind, ignoring the messages I receive, I feel, I will loose ME. I know I won’t let that happen but getting close to that sense of loss creates frustration among other negative feelings in me and it isn’t how I want to live. Feeling like I have no freedom !
I went to see the herd last night and I felt Miss Daisy different from usual.
As I posted a few days ago in my blog entitled “A leader in the making” Miss Daisy has found herself having to step into a leadership role for the herd. That is a big task to take on … keeping the herd safe.
She was away from the herd with her rear-end towards them when I joined her.
I asked her how she was feeling? I got a sense of tightness in my chest: anxiety. She shared she was tired and that she needed some healing, attention and to not be responsible for a while. She wishes she didn’t have to be the lead mare that it was a huge role to own. She also said that nothing is the same, even her relationship with Neptune, her 3 year old foal, has changed.
I was surprised about this message because I am used to them bringing wisdom and comfort to us humans and she was the one needing comforting.
So I stayed with her and scratched her bum and she pressed herself against me. I stayed there for a while and she was quiet. We were quiet together.
Sometimes we feel overwhelmed and it may be hard to see how we can overcome this feeling?
Only did I make the connection to me this morning as I was journaling.
Just as she was taking a break and making a choice to keep her space, I too need to make the choice to do so and not forget about me, my needs so I can be clear on choices, decisions that honour me and support the energetic frequency I want to vibrate at and the environment I live in.
I need to heal, regenerate, free myself and I achieve this by finding myself. What does that mean?
Making a choice to allow me time, not in keeping my mind busy but really going in to the silent connection away from entertainment, distractions, busyness. Going to nature. As my card suggested: “to breathe in the Divine Mother’s deep love for this world.
Only when we go back to ourselves do we find healing.
There is so much going on out there that it can be overwhelming and discouraging leaving us feeling helpless, fearful of the future and where we are heading?
Recognizing what we are doing or not doing is key. Making a choice from there is how we shift. Making that decision from a place of alignment to our authentic self is where the truth is.
As the full moon/lunar eclipse was bringing us to awareness we need to choose higher thinking, greater vision and deeper love. In doing so we shift into flow and ease.
Going deep inside without effort not seeing it all but knowing all the answers are within. Just like the overcast skies last night wasn’t giving me sight of the full moon, I knew it was there. Some saw it others didn’t.
How have you been lately? In full manifestation or in the cloudy skies?
Go within… you may not see the answers yet but they will become clear. Choose discernment.
Love, Light & Blessings
Frannie Chara & the BWH Herd.
